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We are counting down the days. To June 2024, when the tenth edition of Bosch Parade floats along the Dommel river. To another unique cruise of the outlandish, with surprising and quirky artworks inspired by the boundless symbolism, fantasies and absurdities of Hieronymus Bosch.  

For the 2024 edition (20 to 23 June), we are balancing even more precariously on the boundaries of his, your and our imagination. Because that is when artists and makers from home and abroad highlight their Contemporary Demons. The time has come, an apocalypse is storming towards us. Algorithms and data. Newsfeeds and social media. Hackers and trackers. Influencers and Instaposts. The Contemporary Demons are among us!

With such a challenging theme, the free Bosch Parade in 2024 promises to be at least as successful as its nine predecessors. No fewer than 36,000 visitors, from all over the world, visited Bosch Parade ’22. Works they saw float by include Atelier Van Lieshout’s enormous Hammer, Lisa Nigro’s monstrous fish Angler Maiden, Babu Wälti and Tomas Moll’s multicoloured sound play Hurdy Gurdy, and Ian Skirvin and Dakota Havard’s incantatory Marsh Altar ceremony.

Moreover, the Garden of Earthly Delights, Bosch Parade’s busy colourful incubator, will reopen its gates in 2024. The temporary workshop, where the artists labour on their objects, is guaranteed to again be hugely popular – a great place to enjoy a drink on the waterfront terraces, the steaming hot tubs and the tasty, imaginative dishes. 

Bosch Parade ’24 will be another great adventure! That once again amazes, touches and connects you. That, with the timeless creativity and imagination of Hieronymus Bosch, will make you look at the modern world around you again with surprise. A world full of Contemporary Demons…

Come experience it!