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Bosch Parade is organised by the foundation ‘Stichting Bosch Parade’. Stichting Bosch Parade adheres to the governance code for culture (the Dutch ‘Governance Code Cultuur’). The Board of the foundation ‘Stichting Bosch Parade’ consists of:

• Jos van de Wouw (chair): lawyer for VANDEWOUW Zakelijke Advocatuur – a business law firm.
• Peter Ketelaars (treasurer): member of the executive board of Waterschap Aa en Maas – the regional water authority.
• Cassandra Vugts (member of the board): managing director of the SPARK Campus
• Thomas Vriens (member of the board), cultural entrepreneur, owner CABV
• Marieke Keser (member of the board), KW1C education manager.
– Vincent van den Heuvel (member of the board), business coordinator, Het Huis Utrecht

The Board members of Stichting Bosch Parade have been attracted from various sections of society and their work for the event is unpaid. The Board of the Foundation safeguards the achievement of the objectives, the quality of the event programming and is responsible for budget implementation and feasibility. Stichting Bosch Parade adheres to the ‘Governance Code Cultuur’ (see above). The Board members of the Foundation are jointly competent.