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Thespian Lennie Visser creates singular circus performances with her Boost Producties, exploring the boundaries between movement theatre, circus, dance and visual arts.

To spark a conversation about togetherness and connectedness, Lennie created together with Jelle Engel  Evolutie der demonen: karakteristieken in overdrive: a trio of contemporary, magnified characters. The Emerger (de Rijzer) a self-centred demon who symbolises selfishness. The Toiler (de Zwoeger), a ruthless materialist who embodies opportunism. And the one-dimensional Senser (de Voeler), who excels in single-mindedness. Three contrasting characters, seductively challenging the audience during Bosch Parade along the bank and between the buildings – in overdrive…. 

This project is a coproduction with Bosch Parade.