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It is wickedly enjoyable in the Garden of Earthly Delights. Plonk down on the sunny terraces, watch the works of art for Bosch Parade emerge around you, meet the creators, gather with your friends, celebrate the moments. And sample delicacies, because in this summer haven of pleasure, the chefs of the Spijsbereiders prepare diabolically tasty dishes with the finest spices. Pull up a chair and taste the infernal delights at their pop-up restaurant La Cucina Del Diavolo!

Similar to how Hieronymus depicted the Middle Ages in his paintings in a refreshing and unconventional way in his paintings, the Spijsbereiders concoct their dishes in the Garden of Earthly Delights. For their appetising preparations, they tease the most delicious corners of the flavour palette, delighting the taste buds at lunch, drinks or dinner as in Bosch’s earthly inferno: with spice and passion. 

In La Cucina Del Diavolo, the Spijsbereiders work together with the culinary companions of Van Zuid events.